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Big SQL Energy Beginner ⚡️
Chapter 1: Intro & The Basics
Lesson 0: Intro & Setup (7:11)
Lesson 1: Select * From (6:40)
Lesson 2: Order By (7:16)
Lesson 3: Primary vs. Foreign Keys & Distinct (7:05)
Lesson 4: Limit & Top (4:23)
Lesson 5: Data Types & Cast (12:10)
Lesson 6: String Manipulation (11:07)
Lesson 7: Arithmetic Operators (10:56)
Chapter 2: Filtering Datasets & Wildcards
Lesson 8: Filtering w/ WHERE (7:17)
Lesson 9: Boolean Logical Operators (7:39)
Lesson 10: Between & NOT Between (5:22)
Lesson 11: IN & NOT IN (5:41)
Lesson 12: Is Null, If Null, & Is Not Null (6:23)
Lesson 13: Wildcards (8:48)
Lesson 14: Like vs. Ilike & Wildcard Variations (5:44)
Chapter 3: Functions, Dates, & Grouping
Lesson 15: Aggregate Functions (16:53)
Lesson 16: Count(*) vs. Count(column) (8:52)
Lesson 17: Current Date & Time (6:42)
Lesson 18: Basic Date Functions (8:21)
Lesson 19: DateDiff() (16:46)
Lesson 20: Date_Add() (13:32)
Lesson 21: Date_Trunc() (7:48)
Lesson 22: Group By & Aggregate Functions (15:13)
Lesson 23: Having (vs. Group By) (9:59)
Chapter 4: Bridging the Gap to Intermediate SQL
Lesson 24: Coalesce & Isnull() (13:57)
Lesson 25: Case & Categorizing Data (20:53)
Lesson 26: Data Dictionaries (10:51)
Lesson 27: Data Models & Fact vs. Dimension Tables (11:15)
Lesson 28: Inner Joins (20:54)
Chapter 5: Case Studies & Wrap Up
Lesson 29: Case Study Calculate a Percent in SQL (15:41)
Lesson 30: Case Study Visualizing Data (14:52)
Lesson 31: Next Steps & Finding Data to Practice (8:02)
Entire Video w/ All Lessons 1-31 🎥
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Intermediate Course Sneak Preview 👀
Big SQL Energy Intermediate Course Intro (2:17)
Chapter 1: Intro to Joins (4:15)
Chapter 1: Inner Join (Lesson 1) (10:39)
Chapter 10: The Importance of Projects (2:57)
It's time to get serious now w/ Intermediate SQL! 🧠
Lesson 24: Coalesce & Isnull()
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