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Big SQL Energy Intermediate ⚡️
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Big SQL Energy Course Intro (2:17)
Chapter 1: Intro to Joins (4:15)
Chapter 1: Inner Join (Lesson 1) (10:39)
Chapter 10: The Importance of Projects (2:57)
Chapter 0: Course Intro and Set Up
Big SQL Energy Intro (2:17)
Join the Big Data Energy Discord Community
Data Science Notebook Demo (3:27)
Proprietary SaaS Tech Data Models
Chapter 1: Joins
Intro to Joins (4:15)
Inner Join (Lesson 1) (10:39)
Using Aliases for Tables & Columns (Lesson 2) (1:55)
Counting Basics w/ Inner Joins (Lesson 3) (5:57)
Left Join (Lesson 4) (10:32)
Anti Join (Lesson 5) (6:05)
Tables without Overlap (Lesson 6) (6:11)
Full Outer Join (Lesson 7) (4:05)
The Diabolical Right Join (Lesson 8) (2:42)
Multiple Join Conditions (Lesson 9) (4:10)
Filtering Data w/ ON vs WHERE (Lesson 10) (5:02)
Joining Multiple Tables (Lesson 11) (3:41)
Joins Quiz
Chapter 2: CASE
Intro to Case (2:24)
Categorizing Data (Lesson 1) (7:16)
Why Order Matters (Lesson 2) (3:59)
Summarizing Categorical Data (Lesson 3) (5:49)
Creating Binary Columns (Lesson 4) (10:12)
Aggregate Functions w/ CASE (Lesson 5) (6:18)
Case Study: Marketing Lead Scoring (Lesson 6) (18:31)
Pivoting Data w/ CASE (Lesson 7) (11:17)
Case Quiz
Chapter 3: Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
Intro to CTEs (2:12)
Nesting Aggregate Functions (or not!) (Lesson 1) (3:12)
Why CTEs Are Necessary (Lesson 2) (6:00)
Descriptive Stats w/ Aggregate Functions (Lesson 3) (12:06)
Distribution of Variables (Lesson 4) (9:42)
Using CTEs for Separate Steps (Lesson 5) (10:40)
Multiple CTEs (Lesson 6) (16:15)
CTEs Quiz
Chapter 4: Set Operations
Intro to Set Operations (4:09)
Union & Union All (Lesson 1) (5:34)
Except / Minus (Lesson 2) (3:18)
Intersect (Lesson 3) (2:35)
Combining Decentralized Data (Lesson 4) (10:30)
Unpivoting With Union (Lesson 5) (4:07)
Case Study: Subscription Cancelation (Lesson 6) (5:02)
Set Operations Quiz
Chapter 5: Subqueries
Intro to Subqueries (1:51)
Subqueries in FROM (Lesson 1) (9:46)
Subqueries in WHERE and NOT IN (Lesson 2) (6:32)
Subqueries in WHERE and NOT EXISTS (Lesson 3) (5:27)
Bonus ANTI Join Solution (Lesson 4) (4:23)
Subqueries in SELECT (Lesson 5) (8:44)
Calculating the % of Total (Lesson 6) (8:11)
Correlated vs. Uncorrelated (Lesson 7) (3:47)
CTEs vs. Subqueries (Lesson 8) (2:24)
Subqueries Quiz
Chapter 6: Self Joins
Intro to Self Joins (3:00)
Hierarchical Relationships (Lesson 1) (8:24)
Cleaning Self Join Data (Lesson 2) (9:30)
Self Joins w/ Subqueries (Lesson 3) (4:44)
Aggregating Self Join Data (Lesson 4) (3:03)
Case Study: Subscription Upgrades (Lesson 5) (10:05)
Descriptive Stats for Subscription Upgrades (Lesson 6) (3:07)
Comparing Rows w/ Self Joins (Lesson 7) (10:56)
Self Joins Quiz
Chapter 7: Window Functions
Intro to Window Function (3:34)
Row Number vs. Rank vs. Dense_Rank (Lesson 1) (9:23)
Ranking with Partition By (Lesson 2) (3:27)
Filtering Window Functions with CTEs (Lesson 3) (9:16)
Filtering Window Functions with Qualify (Lesson 4) (4:01)
Running Totals & Averages (Lesson 5) (12:34)
Rolling 30 Day Average (Lesson 6) (15:49)
First & Last Values (Lesson 7) (12:51)
Case Study: Status Timestamps w/ Lead (Lesson 8) (11:38)
Alternative Solution w/ Lag (Lesson 9) (6:51)
Window Functions Quiz
Chapter 8: Optimization
Intro to Optimization (3:04)
Reducing Rows w/ Limit (Lesson 1) (1:15)
Reducing Columns & Avoiding Select * (Lesson 2) (1:17)
Filtering Rows w/ WHERE (Lesson 3) (1:56)
Inner Joins vs. Left Joins (Lesson 4) (3:15)
Filtering in Joins vs. WHERE (Lesson 5) (4:04)
Avoiding Distinct (Lesson 6) (2:09)
Avoiding Sorting (Lesson 7) (1:56)
Wildcards at beginning of string (Lesson 8) (1:58)
EXISTS instead of COUNT(*) (Lesson 9) (3:21)
Optimization Quiz
Chapter 9: Views & Temp Tables
Intro to Views and Temp Tables (3:49)
Last 1 Year Subscriptions View (Lesson 1) (10:40)
Unioned Subscriptions View (Lesson 2) (6:32)
Last 1 Year Subscriptions Temp Table (Lesson 3) (3:08)
Unioned Subscriptions Temp Table (Lesson 4) (2:35)
Views vs. Temp Tables (Lesson 5) (0:49)
Views and Temp Tables Quiz
Chapter 10: Portfolio Projects
The Importance of Projects (2:57)
How to Add Projects to your Portfolio (12:24)
Project Quiz
Payment Funnel Analysis (Project 1) (34:26)
Payment Funnel Bonus Solution
Subscription Cancelation Analysis (Project 2) (30:44)
Bonus: Cheat Sheets, Interview Prep, & Resume Template
Tech & Data Resume Template
Data Analytics Project Ideas
Portfolio Project Outline
Live SQL Coding Interview Cheat Sheet
SQL Cheat Sheet
How to Build a Data Analytics Portfolio
Wrap up & Next Steps (1:36)
Demographic Survey
Chapter 10: The Importance of Projects
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