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Big SQL Energy Intermediate ⚡️
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Big SQL Energy Course Intro (2:17)
Chapter 1: Intro to Joins (4:15)
Chapter 1: Inner Join (Lesson 1) (10:39)
Chapter 10: The Importance of Projects (2:57)
Chapter 0: Course Intro and Set Up
Big SQL Energy Intro (2:17)
Join the Big Data Energy Discord Community
Data Science Notebook Demo (3:27)
Proprietary SaaS Tech Data Models
Chapter 1: Joins
Intro to Joins (4:15)
Inner Join (Lesson 1) (10:39)
Using Aliases for Tables & Columns (Lesson 2) (1:55)
Counting Basics w/ Inner Joins (Lesson 3) (5:57)
Left Join (Lesson 4) (10:32)
Anti Join (Lesson 5) (6:05)
Tables without Overlap (Lesson 6) (6:11)
Full Outer Join (Lesson 7) (4:05)
The Diabolical Right Join (Lesson 8) (2:42)
Multiple Join Conditions (Lesson 9) (4:10)
Filtering Data w/ ON vs WHERE (Lesson 10) (5:02)
Joining Multiple Tables (Lesson 11) (3:41)
Joins Quiz
Chapter 2: CASE
Intro to Case (2:24)
Categorizing Data (Lesson 1) (7:16)
Why Order Matters (Lesson 2) (3:59)
Summarizing Categorical Data (Lesson 3) (5:49)
Creating Binary Columns (Lesson 4) (10:12)
Aggregate Functions w/ CASE (Lesson 5) (6:18)
Case Study: Marketing Lead Scoring (Lesson 6) (18:31)
Pivoting Data w/ CASE (Lesson 7) (11:17)
Case Quiz
Chapter 3: Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
Intro to CTEs (2:12)
Nesting Aggregate Functions (or not!) (Lesson 1) (3:12)
Why CTEs Are Necessary (Lesson 2) (6:00)
Descriptive Stats w/ Aggregate Functions (Lesson 3) (12:06)
Distribution of Variables (Lesson 4) (9:42)
Using CTEs for Separate Steps (Lesson 5) (10:40)
Multiple CTEs (Lesson 6) (16:15)
CTEs Quiz
Chapter 4: Set Operations
Intro to Set Operations (4:09)
Union & Union All (Lesson 1) (5:34)
Except / Minus (Lesson 2) (3:18)
Intersect (Lesson 3) (2:35)
Combining Decentralized Data (Lesson 4) (10:30)
Unpivoting With Union (Lesson 5) (4:07)
Case Study: Subscription Cancelation (Lesson 6) (5:02)
Set Operations Quiz
Chapter 5: Subqueries
Intro to Subqueries (1:51)
Subqueries in FROM (Lesson 1) (9:46)
Subqueries in WHERE and NOT IN (Lesson 2) (6:32)
Subqueries in WHERE and NOT EXISTS (Lesson 3) (5:27)
Bonus ANTI Join Solution (Lesson 4) (4:23)
Subqueries in SELECT (Lesson 5) (8:44)
Calculating the % of Total (Lesson 6) (8:11)
Correlated vs. Uncorrelated (Lesson 7) (3:47)
CTEs vs. Subqueries (Lesson 8) (2:24)
Subqueries Quiz
Chapter 6: Self Joins
Intro to Self Joins (3:00)
Hierarchical Relationships (Lesson 1) (8:24)
Cleaning Self Join Data (Lesson 2) (9:30)
Self Joins w/ Subqueries (Lesson 3) (4:44)
Aggregating Self Join Data (Lesson 4) (3:03)
Case Study: Subscription Upgrades (Lesson 5) (10:05)
Descriptive Stats for Subscription Upgrades (Lesson 6) (3:07)
Comparing Rows w/ Self Joins (Lesson 7) (10:56)
Self Joins Quiz
Chapter 7: Window Functions
Intro to Window Function (3:34)
Row Number vs. Rank vs. Dense_Rank (Lesson 1) (9:23)
Ranking with Partition By (Lesson 2) (3:27)
Filtering Window Functions with CTEs (Lesson 3) (9:16)
Filtering Window Functions with Qualify (Lesson 4) (4:01)
Running Totals & Averages (Lesson 5) (12:34)
Rolling 30 Day Average (Lesson 6) (15:49)
First & Last Values (Lesson 7) (12:51)
Case Study: Status Timestamps w/ Lead (Lesson 8) (11:38)
Alternative Solution w/ Lag (Lesson 9) (6:51)
Window Functions Quiz
Chapter 8: Optimization
Intro to Optimization (3:04)
Reducing Rows w/ Limit (Lesson 1) (1:15)
Reducing Columns & Avoiding Select * (Lesson 2) (1:17)
Filtering Rows w/ WHERE (Lesson 3) (1:56)
Inner Joins vs. Left Joins (Lesson 4) (3:15)
Filtering in Joins vs. WHERE (Lesson 5) (4:04)
Avoiding Distinct (Lesson 6) (2:09)
Avoiding Sorting (Lesson 7) (1:56)
Wildcards at beginning of string (Lesson 8) (1:58)
EXISTS instead of COUNT(*) (Lesson 9) (3:21)
Optimization Quiz
Chapter 9: Views & Temp Tables
Intro to Views and Temp Tables (3:49)
Last 1 Year Subscriptions View (Lesson 1) (10:40)
Unioned Subscriptions View (Lesson 2) (6:32)
Last 1 Year Subscriptions Temp Table (Lesson 3) (3:08)
Unioned Subscriptions Temp Table (Lesson 4) (2:35)
Views vs. Temp Tables (Lesson 5) (0:49)
Views and Temp Tables Quiz
Chapter 10: Portfolio Projects
The Importance of Projects (2:57)
How to Add Projects to your Portfolio (12:24)
Project Quiz
Payment Funnel Analysis (Project 1) (34:26)
Payment Funnel Bonus Solution
Subscription Cancelation Analysis (Project 2) (30:44)
Bonus: Cheat Sheets, Interview Prep, & Resume Template
Tech & Data Resume Template
Data Analytics Project Ideas
Portfolio Project Outline
Live SQL Coding Interview Cheat Sheet
SQL Cheat Sheet
How to Build a Data Analytics Portfolio
Wrap up & Next Steps (1:36)
Demographic Survey
Big SQL Energy Course Intro
Check out the bonus section at the bottom of the curriculum for helpful cheat sheets and resources that may help you with your learning!
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